Fungi Photos for Ellie and others…

Dear ♥Ell♥e♥,

Here are some photos of fungi (e.g. mushrooms and toadstools). I find they can be just as interesting as flowers but they usually only appear after rain when it's warm. Only a few days after taking these photos, they were gone.

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The second last is a picture of some fungi on a tree. With a nose and a mouth, I couldn't resist adding eyes so the last photo of the fungi has a slight change.


2 thoughts on “Fungi Photos for Ellie and others…

  1. Ellie

    Dear Mr. Mannell,

    I love your post a lot. I also adore what you did with the mushroom on the tree, you put eyes on it. I think that is really cute. It also looks like a nose to me, is that why you put the eyes on it?

    I find many toadstools in my back yard because I have the woods in my back yard and I hike up there to find many mushrooms.

    There is this tree stump in our herb garden and there are toadstools growing on it. They are a yellowish color with a little of brown.

    I love eating mushrooms we buy at the store. Do you like mushrooms?

    Your friend,

    1. rossmannell

      Post author

      Dear ♥Ell♥e♥,

      When I took the fungi on the tree, I was amused as they looked liked a man’s large nose and mouth. I just had to add the eyes. 🙂

      I like mushrooms if they are the edible variety but I know the dangers of picking mushrooms in the wild when we aren’t certain if they are safe. Some mushrooms can be poisonous and all are better left alone if we aren’t certain they’re safe. I once had a planter box of mushrooms in a classroom. When they were ready, we had them raw on bread after washing or of fried.

      Did you know the mushrooms and toadstools we see are only a small part of the fungi?

      I have read a fungus (single form of fungi) is the largest known life form. One in Oregon, USA was found to stretch over about 3.9 square miles and was up to 8,500 years old. On the surface of the ground, all you see are its fruiting bodies known as honey mushrooms.

      The fungi I photographed were all found in amongst the trees and often up close to tree trunks. Underground, they send root-like threads. This is how they spread.



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