Mummies and Egypt – Some photos for Sadie to share

 Hello Sadie,

I went through my photo library of pictures I have taken and found a couple I can share. Some were taken in The British Museum and one is of the Luxor Obelisk now found in the Place de la Concorde in Paris. You and your class have permission to use my photos if you find them of use in class work or on blogs. In each photo, you can click on it to see it enlarged.

Some photos from the British Museum

In the first photo, if you look carefully at the display two men are viewing, it looks like there are real ushabti on display.

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This sarcophagus contained the mummy of Priest Hornedjitef.

Wikipedia link:

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 The British Museum has a number of mummies and sarcophagi from Ancient Egypt on display.

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Red sandstone relief from the pyramid chapel of Queen Shanakdakhete

Wikipedia link:

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If you visit Paris and go to the Place de la Concorde, you can see this obelisk on display. It is known as the Luxor Obelisk. Enlarge the photo and you can see heiroglyphs engraved on the obelisk.

Wikipedia link:

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The Egypt of today is very protective of their heritage. When most museums and collectors of the world claimed artefacts, they felt the objects were the property of those who found them. The Egyptian Government wouldn't allow this to happen in our modern world.


Thank you for sharing your report on your visit to Tullie House. It gave me a chance to do a little research on Egyptology.


2 thoughts on “Mummies and Egypt – Some photos for Sadie to share

  1. Mrs Monaghan

    Dear Mr Mannell,
    I just happened upon this post… would you believe we are visiting the British Museum tomorrow, specifically to see the Egyptian collection? How fabulous to spot this to share with the class before we go. We will be in these very rooms 24 hours from now! I visited the museum earlier this year on a pre-visit, it is my favourite London Museum, not just for the collection but also for the fabulous building which houses it.
    Did you visit on the same trip where you were in Yorkshire?
    You certainly get around!
    Kind regards
    Mrs Monaghan

    1. rossmannell

      Post author

      Coincidences like that can make life interesting.
      I have only been able to travel to UK once and that was back in 2010. I travelled England, Scotland and Wales seeing as much as I could in the time I had. Being more familiar with Australia’s huge distances*, everything seemed so compact yet there was so much to see, including the world famous British Museum. The trip was a retirement dream of mine after paying off my home. I wasn’t disappointed except about not being able to stay longer. I had included time visiting friends in Singapore and time in Paris on the same trip. Being an obsessed photographer, I kept my camera very busy. 🙂

      * I think by area, six United Kingdoms would fit into just my state of New South Wales. It is around 240km from my town to our nearest city of Canberra with only one larger and a few small towns in between and much open country. That would be something like travelling from London to Sheffield.


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