The Unexpected DVD Project – a sub-comment for Global Grade 3

Hello Global Grade 3,

 Sometimes plans change in our lives. The DVD production I do for schools and community groups is normally very quiet around this time of year. I have much time to visit and comment on blogs but last week I had a phone call to change my plans.

 A school principal rang and asked if I could film the 15 school Music Camp Concert the next night. Suddenly the chance to comment on blogs slowed as I prepared video and still cameras. I visited the camp that day to see what would be happening and take photos and video of their rehearsals. I returned home around 21:00 (9pm).

 The next day was their performance. I allowed myself two hours prior to the concert to set up the three video cameras and audio recorder I use. How did the concert look? It was fantastic.

 That night I started uploading the video and audio to my computer then spent an average of twelve hours a day for four days producing the DVD of the show. It needed to be finished quickly as the school term ends next week (Jun 29).

 I can’t share the video with you as our policy is not to put school productions on the internet but I can share the opening title clip with you. This alone took around 3 hours to set up graphics and titles to my liking.

What is special about events like this in our lives?

 Teachers and students spend three days with music and other fun activities. Volunteer come to help with the choice of instruments made by the children. Companies donate money and resources. Even the camp they use provides extras for those attending. It becomes a community event and is growing in student numbers, this being only the second of what is now planned as an annual event.

 The Music Camp is just one event when various people in the community can become involved in positive activities helping each other.

 They asked if I wouldn't mind making the DVD on such short notice. It’s just one way I can share the experience with others. So far I have driven around 400km (250 miles) delivering the DVDs to schools. Again I have a chance to meet others as I travel.

 Do I mind filming the show on such short notice? I said I love doing shows like this.

 While I am still running off and delivering copies of the DVD, I am starting to catch up on commenting.


2 thoughts on “The Unexpected DVD Project – a sub-comment for Global Grade 3

  1. The Grade Three Bloggers

    Dear Ross,

    Thank you SO much for your awesome extended comment. We understand why it took you so long … you should NOT apologize because … you are ALWAYS filling someone’s bucket and bringing them sunshine. We are just grateful for ANY time you take to fill our buckets and enrich our learning!

    You are RIGHT. Memory is a POWERFUL tool! Your quote, “God gave us memory so that we might have roses in December”, suits us perfectly. Memory is SO good because you can always remember exciting and special events in your life … but … it also helps to keep the special people and pets alive in your heart after they are gone. When we look back, next year, at ALL the things we did as Grade Three Bloggers, we won’t forget all the adventures and interesting people we have met on this journey. Memory is also going to help us when maybe we are looking back on our lives … a long time in the future … and thinking about our life adventures. It’s funny to be thinking that eight and nine year olds are already creating life adventures … but … that is what we are doing. Every day is an opportunity for new experiences.

    Many of us have memories from when we were tiny, like your peeling knife experience. One of us got into his dad’s razor … and lost several layers of skin on a finger. Needless to say … he never touched the razor AGAIN. But … hopefully he isn’t “scarred for life” … because, when he is seventeen or eighteen, he will need to learn to use one the RIGHT way!!! 😉 Another student tried to cut an apple on her own, when she was about three, and ended up with a cut thumb. Now that she is older, she knows how to use a knife SAFELY.

    You are right … both good AND bad memories can serve as a way of teaching us VALUABLE lessons. We have learned SO many lessons through the Battalion Park Library Project. Some of them have been very HARD lessons. But, we understand. We have helped to refinish a library … and to put books on the shelves. We have even worked hard to build capacity. We love that you said we have “started the wings flapping”. Hopefully the flap of these wings will bring positive change and capacity building to the little library in Q’enqo. We won’t give up. We will continue to encourage next year’s Grade Threes to help bring positive change. Hopefully a child will bring his parents into the library, like you said, one day … and the butterfly wings will CONTINUE to flap … in a POSITIVE butterfly effect.

    We watched your opening title clip from your DVD Project! We loved the graphics on the opening segment you were able to show us. Wow – 10 seconds … 3 hours of work. 12 hour days for 4 days … wow. The colours are STUNNING. The way the colours swirled was so beautiful. You are a perfectionist … and we think the final DVDs must be GORGEOUS. We are glad that you shared your DVD project with us. You are such an amazing role-model for us!

    Take care, Ross! We hope we get to read MORE comments from you on the Grade Three blog NEXT year!

    The Grade Three Bloggers 🙂

  2. rossmannell

    Post author

    Hola Global Grade 3,

    We’ve added to each others buckets during our blogging time together. We’ve also added new memories. Of all the blogs I’ve visited yours has stimulated more extended comments than any other. Will I visit Grade 3 next school year? I hope so. Perhaps I might even see something from what will be the new Grade 4 students.

    A perfectionist? I have been called that before but it’s more to do with continuing my learning journey through life. Since I started video work with schools in 1982 (wow, 30 years), I’ve always looked at ways of improving what I do. The opening title clip was just another step along the way.

    May your learning adventure through your lives never end.

    Teacher, NSW, Australia


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